Welcome to AU, Arrowhead University

Arrowhead University logo: a golden arrowhead with letters AU stamped on it, followed by the name 'Arrowhead University' in gold


As one of the three Hero-rated schools in the kingdom, we welcome you on your continuing path to becoming a hero, certified to fight villains who have illegally and unlawfully achieved higher levels of experience and who refuse to be deleveled.

Upon your arrival, you will be evaluated and ranked.  You may challenge others in an attempt to increase your initial ranking.  Your personal ranking will partially affect your overall grade.

Your adventuring party comprising three to six members, if any, will be evaluated for overall effectiveness and the component score will partially affect your overall grade.

Please make sure to bring the following necessary items with you.

  1. 50' of rope
  2. storage
  3. climber's kit
  4. healer's kit
  5. Weapons/armor
  6. Any food/water/bedding/other that you may require for one day and night of adventuring (you can usually refill waterskins once a day), including spellbook (if any)
  7. Miscellaneous (chalk, string, candles/torches if desired, some way to generate fire)
Your personal equipment kit will partially affect your overall grade.

Remember, a maximum of 20 people at each grade level are allowed to move on each year.

Dean Barriola, 15th level mage, King's Guard, DCBO, KStT, ITFT

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