09 February 2016

A gaes - 1.9

Lex clung to the raven with both hands, looking at the Captain.  "I did, yes," she hesitatingly said, "But I just wanted to scare him off, he was harassing us."

The Captain lowered his sword and gave a long sigh.  "I was afraid of something like that.  What you did is understandable, especially given that it was," he paused and continued with an aggrieved voice, "Sir Kade."  He looked at the floor for a moment, "But I do not agree with your course of action, nor may I condone it."

He handed the scythe back and said, "Red, it's good to see you again.  You're going to be a student this year, right?"

"I am, yes sir," Red intoned in his gravelly voice.

"You know this ritual could have gone wrong if it was disturbed, why didn't you go to the school?"

"We haven't yet been evaluated, sir."

The Captain gave another sigh and turned back to Lex.  "Ok, then here's what I can do for you.  We can settle this now with a minimum of fuss or muss, if you agree to be bound to me for community service every Sunday this semester."

"Every Sunday," Miles yelled, jumping to his feet.  "That's far too much!"

"It is," the Captain said, sheathing his sword.  "But it has two things going for it.  One, hearing the length will satisfy the magistrate and Sir Kade won't be able to press for more.  Two, I will be able to decide what community service entails and you can tell them, Red, that although it will be hard work, it will be less harsh than what the magistrate will likely order, especially given who Sir Kade's family is and his political connections."

"I would accept the deal," Red said, turning to Lex, "Captain Smart is a good man.  He worked me hard when I was assigned to him, but I believe I can say that I profited by his tutelage.

"Thank you, Red," the Captain said.

"You're welcome, sir."

Lex helplessly looked back and forth between Ann and Miles and shut her eyes for a moment then looked up at the Captain.  "I'll take that deal then."

The Captain nodded.  "Raj, Edgar, come on in."  As Lex stood up, Captain Smart took an ornate box and held it out to Lex.  "Place your right hand on this and repeat after me.  Now, Red," he said, turning as Lex placed her hand on the box.  "If this was any sort of long ritual, we would do this at the station, or at least station a man out in the hall and not inside the room, but this can be interrupted without adverse effects."
He turned back and said, "Now, repeat after me.  I."


"Insert your name here."

"Uh, you said this could be interrupted, I gave my name as Lexie Justice to the gate, but it's not my birth name."

"Oh, you're a Justice?"  He shrugged his shoulders.  "It won't really matter.  A geas will bind to your soul and your name is more of a formality, but I would advise you from now to consider the name you gave at the gate as your real name from now on, especially since it looks like you're aspiring to be a mage.  Magic doesn't like lies, but changing your name is a decision and as long as you adhere to that decision it isn't a lie.  Now, repeat after me.  I…"

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